Boeboe's Breed
Russian Blue cats are quiet and sensitive, sometimes shy and reserved but are also tremendously loyal to their chosen human being. They may be cautious of strangers and take time to develop a friendship with humans but it is often worthwhile as Russian Blues can become devoted pets. Once settled in a loving environment they love to play with toys and enjoy jumping, climbing and racing around and are extremely agile and light footed. They love human attention and can appear to be quite hurt when rejected. Russian Blues are quite content to be house cats as long as they have the company of their human friends.
Russian Blue is an intelligent cat which is renowned for its gentleness. It will often talk to its owner in a quiet voice, although a queen in season can make as much noise as any other cat. The Russian Blue is affectionate but not demanding. Many love to be picked up and cuddled but some are not so keen. Nevertheless, they are still likely to be loving and devoted companions to their owners. This has made the breed particularly popular with elderly people. However, it is also very good with children and as a general rule will tolerate the clumsy handling of a child. The cat will wriggle, rather than claw, its way out of a tight grip. It is rare for a Russian Blue to bite or scratch.
(source:Russian Blue Breeders Association)
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