This was Pozzy's picture when I first saw her online. She's a 3 year old purebred Persian cat. Her previous owner had no choice by to give her away. In the U.S., some apartment owners don't allow pets and unfortunately for the previous owner, she overlooked the said rule on her lease contract and therefore had to offer Pozzy for adoption. It took her more than 4 months to look for a worthy owner. I was the lucky one.
The very first thing that caught my attention when I saw Pozzy was her beautiful face. She walked across the room with the grace of a ballet dancer. She had a sweet voice(so much better than Boe's in fact). I couldn't believe that I was taking home this charming cat.
I fell in love again! This time with Persian Pozzy.
This is Pozzy's very first picture, taken the following day while she's resting inside my cabinet. This was captured using a camera phone. Isn't she lovely?
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