Tuesday, January 25, 2005

First time

I'm ecstatic! Finally, I witnessed Boe and Pozzy enjoy playtime without the stressful territorial fights and irritating hisses. At last, they both sat quietly enjoying the elastic string on a wand that I made for them and a new toy I bought from Petsmart.

According to Petsmart's survey, the Cat Track is one of the most popular cat toys sold last year. Given their storewide sale, I got it for $4 from the regular price of $9. What a steal. As shown in the picture, an enticing yellow-green lightweight ball is "trapped" inside a perfectly shaped blue-colored circular track. Curious cats like Pozzy and Boe can see the ball from every angle making it irresistible not to grab or swipe the ball with their paws. They would both attempt to scoop out the ball but just can't seem to "fish" it out. The ball would scoot out of reach just when they thought they've captured it. This toy offers not only great exercise for both of them, but a lot of mental stimulation as well. Cool toy!

My cats love to play. I enjoy watching them run after the elastic string when I swing it around. They would leap and move with grace and agility, extremely focused in catching the string and chewing on it once they manage to "capture" it like a prey. Cats love this catch and grab game and I'm really happy that their feline curiosity and love for play drew them a little closer now. I'm looking forward to more peaceful playtime between them.

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Boe: Yipee! We have a new toy Pozzy...
Pozzy: Hmm, interesting shape. Let's observe it first Boe..

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Boe: I love this dangling string Pozzy..oops, it slipped
through my paw. Grab it Pozzy!
Pozzy: Hold it right there Boe, let me try and catch

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Boe: Whew! That was fun Pozzy. Wanna play more?
Pozzy: I need a break Boe. This green ball intrigues me..

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Boe: Why don't you try and scoop it out Pozzy
Pozzy: Later Boe. Hey look, I caught the string!!!

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Boe: Good job Pozzy! Why don't we plan out a strategy
to capture this green ball, Pozzy?
Pozzy: I'm not much of a thinker like you Boe.
I'd rather trust
my instinct, it never fails.

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Boe: Well you're right about that Pozzy. Alright then,
no more strategic plans.Go ahead and catch that string.
Let me know if you need help...
Pozzy: I have a better idea Boe, let's just sit out here
and chill...


At 9:33 AM, Blogger BabyPink said...

wow, friends na sila! yay!!!:)

i love the cat conversations.:)

At 6:26 PM, Blogger Kitty Litter said...

Hi! I don't know if you came back to my blog but I followed you here. Anyway can I link to you too? You're linked to Cheryl, and I love your cats! (ever read the Rita Mae Brown Mrs. Murphy series? There's a "catacter" there named Pweter who's got the same problem as your big cat. Hehe) >^..^<

At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Best Regards,

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